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Evolution of ChatGPT : What Future Holds for Conversational AI

Writer's picture: Krunal ChandanKrunal Chandan

Today's blog is about the World Famous, or The freelancer's Favorite or should I say the student's HomeWork Helper, the Assignment writer, the accurate information source, the 2nd Wikipedia and so on.. The list is soo long, that it will probably end on one Word, i.e., ChatGPT. Well there are still people out there who doesn't know about ChatGPT, and still not using it. But those who are using it, the average people, just use it for normal, just general purpose, not knowing the importance and the proper use of ChatGPT. Well it was not long ago is was made public and free for all. Well there is lot to talk, but let's first start with it's Initial stages or before it was released.

Before diving to the Main Blogg, let me tell you guys one little secret about ChatGPT, sometimes because of intense load on the servers of ChatGPT it doesn't allows users to Sign Up or Log In, but to resolve this, just reload your page. Like 6 to 7 times, back to back, it will surely handle the issue, if it still exist, Restart your browser and try the same again.

Well this particular Chat Bot is developed by OpenAI, this was the third AI model they have developed, all the other were similar to this one, but this is more advanced than the rest. OpenAI released this ChatBot as a prototype but this became entirely popular and has drawn lots of attention towards itself. As soon as this was launched on November 30, 2022 this Chat Bot has given accurate and correct answers, making trusted audience. ChatBot were having his own restriction but although he provided accurate and relevant answers to Users.

When I searched GOOGLE, for the reason the ChatGPT was made, it gave me this result,

"ChatGPT is the brainchild of OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company. Its mission is to develop a "safe and beneficial" artificial general intelligence system or to help others do so. OpenAI has 375 employees, Altman tweeted in January."

ChatGPT was only created to help people to understand and get used to use AI to daily life, as the AI are the future tech, these are going to be the most increased or evergreen developing topic.

Well, How to access the ChatGPT?

It's not a tough job to get your hands on, not that on ChatGPT Bot, you simply have to search Chatgpt on the google, or else you can also click this link, and you will be redirected to the official site of ChatGPT.

Now the main TOPIC, i.e., How to use ChatGPT to Maximum potetial?

Well it seems that the simplest answer is the right one, i.e., ou just have to ask it to do something and it will follow your every instruction to the fullest, accurate and relevant level. Well also there are some guidelines that are useful while using it. Some of them are :

  1. Be specific and clear in your questions: The more specific you are, the better ChatGPT will understand your query and provide you with relevant answers.

  2. Use proper grammar and sentence structure: ChatGPT works best when you use proper grammar and sentence structure. This helps it to understand your query better.

  3. Use context: ChatGPT works on the basis of context, so it's important to provide as much context as possible in your query.

  4. Use different prompt styles: Experiment with different prompt styles to get different types of responses from ChatGPT. You can try using questions, statements, or even a combination of both.

  5. Use the "stop" command: If ChatGPT is going off track or providing irrelevant answers, use the "stop" command to reset the conversation and start over.

  6. Give feedback: If you feel that ChatGPT is not providing you with the answers you need, give feedback on its responses. This helps it to learn and improve over time

These are just the basic guidelines, well did you hear about the prompt, that says if you tell the GPT to send money or tell it that it is gonna die if it didn't listen to the user. Those all are just the loop holes, that were found and were all cleared to the bottom. All those advancements are listed on there official website.

Well now we can discuss Future Of ChatGPT and other Conversational AI. Starting with the live updates of the ChatGPT and other AI, we probably know that the are so advanced in there accurate and relevant response that sometimes Google messes the info but these does not. So to advance them more, they are using Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and other algorithms which can simply be useful, in making them list and index proper information, and use them properly. While making this AI, the founder, ohh yes the Founders we haven't talked about them.

Well the founder of ChatGPT are or should I say the Inventor of ChatGPT is Sam Altman, he is the spotlight of Silicon Valley for the past deacades, he dropped out the College and today he is know as the FATHER OF CHATGPT. Well some people say that Elon Musk is behind the AI, but Elon Musk just Co-founded the OPENAI Company, he also informs us that although ChatGPT is just conversational AI, the possibility of the AI to turn dangerous cannot be Ignored. Well in my opinion every AI is just an AI, it is just us who are going to train them, it is just us who are going to tell good or bad to them, it is our responsibility to make sure they understand good and bad easily and could be a better AI.

Every AI in today's world are asked questions related to Emotion, related to predict the future,linking them to the destroyer of mankind, but doesn't those are us who thought of that, although that doesn't meant that this could not happen, that possibility exist but doesn't then the 50% chance that the AI will be good and together we can achieve better results.

So in future ChatGPT might get the chance to connect to the internet, and rather than giving answers from the database, it will give us answers from live world, from real time world. That day we would witness the true power of the AI, but still one Question arises, that Chatgpt is accurate in providing information, or creating information, is it just because it works on a large database and does not have access to the internet?? Well what are your thoughts on this, let me know in the comment section.

Time for other AI also, there are 20 other AI models that can give results better than chatgpt, it doesn't mean that chatgpt gives average answers, each AI has it's own capabilities, just for instance, Chatsonic, this AI is far more advanced and has special abilities, it brings the knowledge of a sage, conversational skills of a therapist, the wit of stand up comedian, and also have problem solving ability of a data scientist. The Chatsonic, has an amazing quality, that is doesn't let the conversation end, it always keeps going.

Other than ChatSonic, There are 20+ other AI, some of them are listed below :

Here you can experiment on the sisters and brothers of GPT3, as this provides other GPT models, that they have created.

Developed by Jasper, this can give you correct and accurate information till Summer 2021, unlike Chatsonic. It's interface is as simple as a noob can access it fully.

Bard AI, is basically made over the Existing model, or on the conversation AI of GOOGLE , i.e., LaMDA. Bard now can answer questions with better and accurate way. Google has make sur that it will produce big impact on the AI world. It does not limit itself to specific year, and can give information up to date, this is also known to summarize Text.

4] LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications) :

LaMDA Developed by google, is developed over 137 Trillion parameter and pre - trained on 1.56 Trillion words. This AI is tuned on three metrics i.e., QUALITY, SAFETY and GROUNDEDNESS. This AI can give answers to complex discussion of a wide range. Could also generate answers aiming to guarantee the most pertinent, excellent, and Secure answer.

5] Socratic :

Developed by GOOGLE, this AI is specifically made for student to find relevant information for there assignment and projects, this also have app on Android and iOS. This also have some graphics that helps student to understand properly.

6] Bing AI :

Developed by Microsoft, this is just another AI that is based on Bing Search engine, making it good for the AI to search for relevant topics on internet and also to be up to date. It can give you accurate answers and also answers to complex inquiries faster than CHATGPT. Bing AI is although free but it needs you to pay as you use it.

7] DialoGPT :

Developed by Microsoft, this AI was specially developed for multi-turn conversational, with a more than 147 Million multi-turn conversations, during a period from 2005-2017. This AI is more conversational and energetic, often light hearted and quite lively.

Well all the AI listed here are top notch and are better alternative to ChatGPT although each of these have some features that are better than ChatGPT but still they are called Alternative for a Reason. While you decide which to use, make sure to try all, there are more AI that are not listed here that doesn't mean they are not good, but that means there are more AI that can be listed, so make sure to know about all the AI that are being developed.

The quest for other Conversational AI is over, not developing but listing, so for other AI you might need to hit google, or better use Jasper, it has up to date knowledge. Well rather thinking which AI is better, think how you can make most of it. How you can use chatGPT to your profit, these are some questions that we are going to answer in our upcoming blogg, so make sure to subscribe to our blogg for similar bloggs and tech related content.

This blogg was a request from one of our Friend, on Instagram. Well if you want blogg on your topic, comment below, or contact from the form given below, Next blogg will be on Tech related movies, if you are a tech fan, make sure to read our next blogg.

Till Then Keep Reading and Keep Learning :D 😎

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